Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an exciting new approach to anti-ageing. PRP draws on the body’s ability to heal itself by stimulating stem cells in a centrifuge to create a healing agent known as platelet rich plasma (or PRP). This ‘stem cell’ treatment works by rejuvenating the skin, speeding up collagen production and giving a more youthful appearance.

How does it work??

The FDA has approved only one product made from a material that remains in the body without being absorbed. Any other soft tissue fillers will only have a temporary effect because parts of their components get absorbed by the body over time.

Some products containing collagen and hyaluronic acid also have added lidocaine to reduce discomfort caused by the injection.

Dermal fillers are great for anyone looking to restore the smooth and youthful shape of their face. A dermal filler is a simple procedure that can add volume to your cheeks, lips, and chin area, making you look younger and healthier. While some products last longer than others, they all require regular re-fillings in every 4-6 months. These types of treatments are not suitable for everyone, and I will make sure to inform you about any risks that you may have when you choose to have a dermal filler, so we can work together to design a custom-made treatment plan that will help you to gain the desired results.

If you have any questions about dermal fillers, please do not hesitate to contact me and I am more than happy to answer all your queries.

Who should not have a Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy treatment?

To undergo PRP therapy, you should be in general good health and you should have realistic expectations of the outcome. Most people are suitable candidates for PRP therapy, and it is recommended as a safe treatment for individuals who are unable to undergo more invasive procedures such as a full face lift, due to the risks associated with general anaesthetic (although it will not achieve the same results as a surgical face lift).

Individuals with platelet dysfunction syndrome, critical thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenaemia, haemodynamic instability, sepsis, acute & chronic infections and chronic liver pathology are not suitable candidates for PRP therapy.

Those undergoing anti-coagulant therapy are also not suitable candidates.

Price list

  • Full Face microlending £199

    Approximately 40 minutes

  • Neck (décolletage ) 100
  • Hair restoration £220
  • Strech mark treatment £100
  • Under eye treatment £150

    Aprox 30 miniutes